Health care

“Bhavdeep is an exemplary leader with an ability to do both Macro and Micro thinking. He has a diverse experience in consumer facing industries. His experience of these industries in the most developed markets has given him vision, financial understanding and strategic skills to transform the Indian market which is at the early stages of development in many of these industries currently. He is a leader with his feet firmly on ground despite having achieved so much. I wish him all the best.”
Ashish Chauhan CEO at BSE

I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Bhavdeep in the unparalleled business transformation of the A&P company. Bhavdeep was a true champion of positive change and quickly engaged his organization and other parts of the enterprise in the launch of an aggressive customer centric strategy involving the execution of organization redesign, values based culture shift and a behavioral philosophy of customer service at the leadership level - one that he already embodied. Bhavdeep clearly "walks the talk" and is considered by all those who work with him to be a transformational leader.
Celeste A. Coruzzi, Ph.D. Managing Director and Practice Leader at Pearl Meyer

Bhavdeep is a leader with enormous intensity,dedication and passion. He is a tremendous team builder and a rock solid anchor who can make his team stay goal focussed and accomplish the seemingly impossible goals. A Guru par excellence, he is a great mentor, guide and has mentored several leaders. I find him to be extremely transparent, trustworthy and a great human being.
Chetan Agarwal CIO | IT Industry Veteran | Chief Technology Officer at Fetchmypayments
“Mr. Singh is a highly proficient leader with a truly global perspective and business acumen. Bhavdeep’s broad range of business skills and knowledge of different market segments was demonstrated during a recent collaborative health care project. He is a gift ed international-executive and a pleasure to work with.”
Rob Barrow Healthcare Operator, Investor & Owner